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Professional Photographic Retouching Tutorial (40Mins, Start-To-Finish)


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Added on Feb 21, 2011

Length: 40:08 | Comments: 0

This is the second tutorial in a series on photographic retouching. The first part was all about evening skin tonal values and removing blemishes. In this part I will take you through everything else. So, as a result it's a long video (40 Mins). In this tutorial I will complete a professional photographic retouching from start to finish. Before watching that there is a lot of information in this video to absorb, so watch and re-watch areas that are more advanced. This is a 40 minute video, I'd recommend pausing it at regular intervals before continuing so that you fully understand all the processes. Some of the areas covered in this video are: - Colour Correction - Reshaping Features (Figure, Eyes, Lips, Cheeks, etc) - Adjusting tonal values - Grading the image - Simulating a Realistic Depth of Field Simulation - Selective Enhancement of areas There are a lot of sub-techniques and sub-processes that go into each of the above, so if you've got a question leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer. Keep and eye on http://www.keyframekid.com

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