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Tutorial 1-Cinematography / Film Look / Shot Design


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Added on Feb 21, 2011

Length: 09:13 | Comments: 0

Click to Tweet: http://bit.ly/hvP1hp Learn what makes great looking images in film, music videos etc. It's not always the camera but how you design the shots. In this first overall tutorial I try to explain in general terms what designing a shot entails. This can be applied with any video cameras, as well as digital and film cameras. It's the basics of good photography. Special thanks to Beverley Marquis for starring in the video. Shot using the Red One Camera and Canon XH-A1. Here are great example of what you can do with a barebones DV camera (courtesy of Jeremy Mcdermott): http://www.vimeo.com/3180816 You can see more tutorials in HD and for free on my youtube channel: www.youtube.com/user/polcan99/ Add me on facebook for more updates: facebook.com/tom.antos

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: TomAntos 


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