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Webit 2009 - Collage


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Added on Feb 21, 2011

Length: 04:14 | Comments: 0

Webit Expo and Conferences is the biggest event for digital marketing & e-business in Central-Eastern Europe and the 5th biggest in Europe. Webit is visited by over 5000 professionals from Europe (mainly Central and Eastern Europe). Webit Expo remains unrivaled in terms of the number of speakers (over 80 this year) and their position within the companies they work for. Reasons to attend Webit: - NETWORK with more than 5000 (expected) visitors - GAIN practical knowledge shared by the leading names in the world such as Facebook, Yahoo, eBay, BBC, Yandex and many more - CURRENT and FUTURE best practices in social networks, e-commerce, marketing, advertising and mobile What you could learn - How to increase sales revenues online - How to manage the reputation of your brand online - How to generate higher traffic to your website - How to optimize your website for Google and other search engines - How to improve customer satisfaction - How to increase the effectiveness of your internet campaigns Receive a CERTIFICATE from e-Academy Those who attend the full 3 day program at one of the 3 stages at Webit will receive a certificate for professional development containing the names of the lecturers whose lectures you have attended. Who to hear and meet at Webit? - Representatives of the digital industry from Central and Eastern Europe - High-level management from leading companies in the world - Marketing and advertising professionals from the smallest Bulgarian companies to the biggest world brands - IT specialists - Regional media, journalists and bloggers - Sales specialists - And many others

Channels: Education & Instructional  



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