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Building Sites Around Social Objects (Web 2.0 Expo - Jyri Engestrom, Google)


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Added on Feb 21, 2011

Length: 45:33 | Comments: 0

Successful social sites are not just friend networks. They are built around objects that connect people with shared interests. For example, the object on Flickr is a photo, on Jaiku and Twitter it is a status update, and on YouTube it is a video. But turning an idea into a shareable object is not always so simple. We’ll ask, what makes a good social object? For instance, Dopplr is built around trips that have 3 simple elements (two dates and a location) that can be used to make social connections. This talk will deconstruct the social objects and verbs on which well-known successes and exciting new startups are built on. We will compare and contrast different approaches teams have taken to build social objects. Some examples are: * music: Last.fm vs. Soundcloud * products: Ebay vs. Thinglink * trips: Tripit vs. Dopplr The talk will conclude with a set of principles for building services around social objects. ***Note: This talk was recorded by Steffan Antonas (@steffanantonas on Twitter) at the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, CA on 04/03/09.

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Jyri  EngestromSteffan  AntonasGoogleSocial  MediaWeb  DesignCommunity  2.0 


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