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Meet Buck


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Added on Feb 21, 2011

Length: 04:24 | Comments: 0

WEBSITE : http://salesmanbuck.com ------------------------------------------------------ Buck is an ordinary guy. Well, if you accept the "deer head" thing. Today, Buck is going to spend the afternoon with his girlfriend who's so happy to see him (she's pretty much happy always). But when Buck finds out that her father is not the tolerant and sympathetic guy he expected, the Sunday afternoon turns really bad. Really bad. Like baaaaaaad bad. Buck est un jeune ordinaire. Enfin...si on exclut sa tête de cerf. Et aujourd'hui, Buck compte bien passer son Dimanche après-midi avec sa petite-amie qui est super contente de le voir, comme toujours. Mais quand Buck découvre que son futur beau-papa n'est pas si sympathique et tolérant que sa fille, l'après-midi va tourner au drame. ------------------------------------------------------ Réalisé Par/Directed By : Denis Bouyer rigamix@gmail.com Yann De Preval yann_de_preval@hotmail.com Vincent E Sousa vinz.esousa@gmail.com (Rigging reel : vimeo.com/​13957690) Laurent Monneron laurent.monneron@gmail.com Sound Design/Mix : Julien Begault julien.begault@gmail.com http://julien.begault.free.fr Music : Yannis Dumoutiers and Mickaël Védrine http://www.yannisdumoutiers.com We would like to thank everyone who helped us !

Channels: Arts & Animation  



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