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the roar of the race


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Added on Feb 14, 2011

Length: 00:49 | Comments: 0

First I auditioned all the provided audio track and laid them out where I through they would work. After I was happy with when sounds were happening decided that in order to capture the sound of the distortion of the race track and the way that sounds blend into each other there., that I would setup a bunch of ausx tracks and mainly use them for effecting the sounds. Ended up creating six aux buses. 1. for background sounds as well as a wash to apply to all the sounds a little to give the feel of the racetrack. Created a two "pedal instance of GTR with a Fuzz and octaver pedal in it and then ran it though REQ 2 to cut out a notch in bass around 200 and a notch in treblem around 4000. 2. Created a reverb track with "True Verb" and gave it a pretty long setting. 3. then I decided that the background wash for aux 1 wasn't giving enough engine sound so aux three got MondoMod, Rbass (centered around 120 Hz), 2 tap super tap and veq3. 4. for the various crashes and scrapping, decided they didn't sound intense enough so added another GTR 2 track with a spring reverb and a phaser. Running the glass breaking, metal scrapping etc. through it in isolation kind of gives a psycadelica sound to it, but in the mix it works. 5. To give stereo motion to the cars, added a Doppler effect and put it tilted to the left. 6. Then decided that some of the crashes needed even a bit more mangling, so this effect got 6 Tap delay (all very low and with pretty extreme Eq and panning) running through TransWide Effect and the Linear Multiband compressor (to get it sit right in the mix). Sounds shifter got applier to the "errie" effect since it sounds more forboding transposed down. H-delay got added as inserts on some of the cars around creating a spatial file. Enigma got put across a track of the thunderclaps. The effect ends up sounding a bit terminatory, but in the mix I like. Used Linear Phase Multiband compressor across the stereo output bus as a mastering effect (man that is a great plugin).

Channels: Autos & Vehicles  



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