Added on Feb 14, 2011
Length: 01:00 | Comments: 0
I love speed. The faster the better. As a kid I used to slide down the back steps in a cardboard box. It was a race between breaking the box or my arm. Then I upgraded to a push bike and the biggest, meanest, steepest, hill I could find. Then it was high diving. I loved the feeling of complete abandonment of control as gravity smashed my face in to the water’s mirror surface. Ouch! The years have caught up and now I’m wiser, fatter and leave the dare-devil acts to the performers in the circus or watch Top Gear from the comfort of my posh leather chair in front of the tele. But here it was... a kilometre toboggan slide. The memories came back. It was intoxicating. Let’s have a go and relive those moments. Let me share the experience with you. Enjoy!
Channels: Autos & Vehicles