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7 Days No. 3 :: 05/02/11 - 12/02/11


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Added on Feb 14, 2011

Length: 00:58 | Comments: 0

Seven short clips from each day of the week compiled into a one minute film. 1: Lazy Sunday watching Top Gear. 2: Capturing Maths Lecture footage whilst uploading photos to Flickr. 3: Crazy Dog in Ruff Woods trying to get our coffees. 4: Checking out the surround sound systems at Best Buy. 5: Delivering pizza's listening to Massive Attack. 6: Waiting outside Tesco for Marie to finish shopping. 7: Listening to Slipknot so loud, it's making the camera move. All shot and edited on iPhone 4.

Channels: Autos & Vehicles  

Tags: 4iMovie7x7 


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