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Adventure Filming Academy Pro - Canyoning


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Added on Feb 14, 2011

Length: 03:51 | Comments: 0

In Summer 2010 I attended the Kendal AFA Pro course. For 8 days I and 6 others were drilled in every element of outdoor film production by expert team Brian Hall, Keith Partridge, Richard Else and their colleagues (Touching the void / Top Gear climbing challenge / The Great Climb live etc). Towards the end we were given the challenge to plan, shoot and edit a short outdoor piece. We opted to make a 'webisode' style short about what to do in Kendal, using the subject of canyoning.... On day one I was tasked with directing the day, with our team having access to 2 main cameras, 2 mini-cameras, radio mic kit, boom mic kit, a jib and climbing gear.... oh and of course our 'talent'... Mike and Tom. On day two we were split into 2 groups with access to the same material. I did the initial rough cut for our piece with our team throwing in thoughts and then finishing the fine cut. Starting at 10.30am it had to be finished and played out by 4pm. This is the piece that we created....

Channels: Autos & Vehicles  

Tags: AFA  ProAdventure  Filming  AcademySony  EX3GoProKendalDan  HabershonButcher 


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