Added on Feb 14, 2011
Length: 05:00 | Comments: 0
PHMD 202 Fall 2009 Project Jessica Fiorella Marak Marijuana is a drug that people use all over the United States to have a good time, relax, escape, or relieve pain. My video gives people a broader understanding of marijuana as a drug by showing the typical, college weed smoking atmosphere and overlaying it with interviews from a variety of people from different age groups and economic classes. Through these interviews, I came to the conclusion that marijuana is a drug that people from all generations support and will continue to support even after having children and successful jobs. At the end of my video I ask, “Are you willing to take the risk? To get high?” because it is a huge risk to smoke marijuana in this country. As the college student at the end of my video puts it, “You can lose your whole life for having a little bit of a plant.” Although the hopes of marijuana being legalized in the near future are not plausible according to Kansas City Councilman, Jim Rowland, maybe people will change their mind about the plant and see it less like a drug and more like a medication, whether prescribed or not. Maybe it is something that people need to survive in our fast paced, high stress society. I leave the viewer to answer this question for them self and hopefully create a new perspective about marijuana not only as a recreational, college party drug, but also as a pain reliever for not only cancer patients, but everyone.
Channels: College
Tags: marijuanaweed