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New "Skinny" Pepsi Can Causes A Big, Fat Uproar


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Added on Feb 14, 2011

Length: 02:36 | Comments: 0

Transcript by http://www.newsy.com BY: JACQUELINNE MEJIA You're watching multisource business news analysis from Newsy "Pepsi plans on turning some eyes - and mouths- toward their debut of their new Diet Pepsi skinny can. The company says the redesigned can is in celebration of beautiful, confident women and is the perfect compliment to today's most stylish looks. Big goals for a little can, but will it work?" Wall Street Journal Here's the skinny - Pepsi Co launched a new,"thinner" look for their diet Pepsi can at New York Fashion Week that is causing a big, fat controversy. "The CMO of Pepsi Co. said 'our slim, attractive new can is the perfect compliment to today's stylish looks.' So let me get this straight Pepsi...in order for women to be stylish and beautiful, we have to be slim, attractive, and...aluminum?" Beauty Breakdown All puns aside, a blogger for BNET is not impressed with the company's marketing strategy of debuting the new can on the runway . "Got that, fat chicks? Pepsi is celebrating tall and skinny soda/women because that's what's confident and stylish! [...] But tying the can to an event with a history of favoring women whose body types are unusual at best and so unhealthy as to be fatal at worst? Not smart. Makes the old can look like your fat friend." A blogger for iVillage.com writes that Pepsi's marketing campaign will fizzle -it's the same idea that other product campaigns have pushed in the past to attract women to their products. "Much like Starbuck's Skinny Lattes or Virginia Slims cigarettes were created to appeal to women's weight obsessions, the new Diet Pepsi can equates thinness with confidence, and operates on the assumption that all women aspire to the same physical ideal; a tubular, straight up-and-down body with a flat stomach and no hips." An anchor for The Young Turks pops the soda can controversy - he does not think that people should read so much into the can's design since it is not much different than other cans on the market. Anchor: "I mean if the can was like..." Anchor: "Curvaceous?" Anchor: "Yea...then I could see why...maybe they'd...you know, if it had like a Barbie waist, you know, then I could see...maybe they'd..." Anchor: "they'd be upset about it" Anchor: "It's just a Red Bull can man." But a blogger for Grist says it doesn't matter what the soda container looks like, diet soda is a major fashion faux-pas. "In the end, diet soda is anything but sexy. Considering the carcinogenic potential of aspartame and the link to strokes, smart fashionistas will flush their Diet Pepsi and fill those fancy cans with good old tap water." CNN Money reports that the new can stands taller than its older sister at six inches. The new can will hit the shelves in March, yet the older version will still be available. The new cans will still hold 12 ounces of the soft drink and will be sold at $1.99 for a four- pack. Follow @Newsy_Videos on Twitter for updates throughout the day Get multisource video news analysis from Newsy Transcript by Newsy

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