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Pretty in Pink


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Added on Feb 9, 2011

Length: 05:57 | Comments: 0

Hey everybody, Here's an easy & simple yet pretty look for Valentines Day or any romantic occasion. It's actually even a great look for Spring/Summer. I just wanted something pretty but fresh this year. I just figured that there's nothing better than looking dewy, romantic yet fun for a romantic dinner/date. Pink is the only colour because it can be worn on eyes, lips and cheeks. It lifts the skin tone and brightens the complexion making dull skin glow from within. It's just all about using the pink in a good amount so it doesn't overwhelm the face. The look is all about enchanting bright eyes with subtle hints of pink (for warmth), glowing cheeks and pouty soft lips. I just wanted to do something simple because you guys already know I've always been a fan of simple makeup. Either way- hope you guys enjoy the video! =). I know the lighting for my videos have been 'yellowy' lately. My apologies guys. I film with a yellow lamp infront of me which causes the yellow cast on my face/body. I'm still trying to work out the lighting problems. I know you guys will ask about the music. I have been watching 'Personal Preference' and Im LOVING the OST so these are the instrumentals by Younha & 4Minute (Creating Love). Check out my recent Bubbiosity Video "What not to do on a Date" on my comedy channel: http://www.youtube.com/bubbiosity I'll speak to you soon! Much love, Bubz x Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bubzbeauty Subscribe to my Vlog channel: http://www.youtube.com/bubzvlogz Bubzbeauty Official Website: http://www.bubzbeauty.com Shop the Bubbi Clothing Line: http://bubbi.bubzbeauty.com

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Bubzbeauty  Pretty  in  Pink  Valentines  Day  romantic  date  makeup  tutorial 


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