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300 Sexy Secrets with Gerard Butler Carrie Keagan uncensored


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Added on Aug 15, 2010

Length: 06:13 | Comments: 0

www.NGTV.com http Take hundreds off buff bodies, a ballet of blood and some athletic sex and what do you get? A cultural phenomenon called "300." This episode of NO GOOD TV original series "Up Close" goes sword to unsheathed sword with stars Gerard Butler, Lena Headey and director Zack Snyder. It's the EXCLUSIVE, UNCENSORED interview no one else would dare unleash. As a special bonus, you'll also get to see hot blonde host Carrie Keagan play with her beaver (we kid you not). Feel free to share with all the Spartans in your army. NOGOOD TV stars Carrie Keagan and Shark Firestone and showcases over a dozen original shows featuring raw, real and uncensored interviews with the biggest stars in the world from music, movies and TV. It also has uncensored, uncut, explicit and director's cut versions of music videos. NO GOOD TV aka NGTV can be found at www.NGTV.com. It's the most fun you'll ever have with your pants on!!


Tags: Film  Gerard  Butler  Lena  Headey  ngtv  300  Frank  Miller  Terminator  Zack  Snyder  uncensored  Escape  ass  tits  thong  Plisskin  sex  hot  entertainment  news  performing  arts  short  film  trailer  tv  web  series  documentary  interview  anime  art  animation  blooper  improv  pran 


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