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The Ninja Glare


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Added on Aug 15, 2010

Length: 03:47 | Comments: 0

Pretty much the coolest new move ever! HAHA I'm kidding its lame but learn it anyways because ninja's are sexy! WARNING: This song will get stuck in your head whether you like it or not! Also: See if you can find the hidden jokes in this video. There's a lot of things that are hard to see unless u really look good because we're ninjas like that haha. PS I Pwn Naruto (Yes I know what PWN means). Beat Made by: www.youtube.com Subscribe to him! DL the song at: www.myspace.com Lyrics: The Ninja Glare Chorus (x2) OH EM GEE You can't see me I'm blending in just like a pine tree I am unseen, You can't see me cuz I'm a ninja, nin, ninja, ninja, nin, ninja. Verse 1 Hey, can't see me Am I a bird or am I a tree? What's flying so high in the ayer (ayer)? I'm a ninja don't stare (stare) Fast like the witch is Blair (Blair) I bet you don't even care Here I go, there I go, this is my song Being ninja you gotta be strong Most of us found in Hong Kong Where is my automobile now Dong? Catching everything with my chopstick Making loud noises with every hit Moving unseen so fast so quick I bet you wish you had all my ninja tricks OH EM ... GEE Be a Ninja like me Just watch me now and you will see! Chorus (x2) OH EM GEE You can't see me I'm blending in just like a pine tree I am unseen, You can't see me cuz I'm a ninja, nin, ninja, ninja. Verse 2 Hey were dressed in black Just like emos except for the fact We don't stab ourselves, we stab your back Its just our way to sneak attack We see you ...


Tags: Comedy  ninja  glare  nigahiga  anime  naruto  omg  urban  tim  enos  sean  fujiyoshi  arsha  asteraki  ryan  higa  in  the  ayer  cs  wall  hack  cheat  counterstrike 


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