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Lance Armstrong Rides for Flood Relief in Brisbane, Australia


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Added on Jan 27, 2011

Length: 01:41 | Comments: 0

For more news visit ☛ english.ntdtv.com or Follow us on Twitter ☛ http And a cycling celebrity is in Australia helping to raise money for flood victims. Lance Armstrong led thousands of cyclists through Brisbane, bringing in more than a hundred thousand dollars. On Monday seven-time Tour De France winner Lance Armstrong led 2000 cyclists down a 15.5-mile ride through the streets of Brisbane to help raise funds for the flood victims in Queensland. Fresh from his 'Tour Down Under' in Adelaide, which was his last international race, Armstrong was modest about his cycling achievements. [Lance Armstrong, Tour de France Winner]: "These guys will be leading the pack. I am now officially retired from international cycling. I will be the old slow guy in the back. Please don't crash me." Lance also had some inspiring words for a fan who had recently lost a family member to cancer. [Lance Armstrong, Tour de France Winner]: "But the reality is the words 'Live strong' and the idea of 'Live strong' can mean a lot of different things. You can be the person who wants to run a marathon, the person who wants to recover from a flood or the person that wants to lose 20 pounds. It's a way of life. Really this sort of gathering today really embodies what you just talked about and we're proud to represent a huge audience of people for whatever reason." More than 2500 cyclists joined Queensland Premier Ann Bligh, Lance Armstrong and his 'Tour Down Under' teammate Robbie McEwan on the ride ...

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