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Im Too SexyLove at First BiteSpanish Andalusian Stallion


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Added on Aug 15, 2010

Length: 02:17 | Comments: 0

Amador, a Pure Spanish Andalusian Stallion, at 2 years old in 2005. I edited out some "R" rated portions of the video to make it "family safe" : ) I think what he's doing is a mixture of playing and "practicing" He LOVES his round bales! This boy has tons of personality! He has an incredible temperament and makes everything fun. We have a blast both working with him and watching him play! He was bred for the first time last year - for those of you wondering - he was MUCH nicer to the mare : ) His first baby is Dakota, a beautiful black-bay Azteca (1/2 Quarter Horse) filly born on 3/13/07. Owned by www.legacyandalusians.com Amador is standing to outside mares in 2008-reduced fees for the remainder of the season


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