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One Tree Hill Cast | We All Fall Down


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Added on Jan 26, 2011

Length: 04:28 | Comments: 0

So I FINALLY finished this video; (Not that big of a deal though lol)... ...One Tree Hill Cast Vid set to an AWESOME Song (I really like it), it's actually the second time I'm using it for a vid; 1st time was in a Grey's vid ( www.youtube.com ) ... I made that one ages ago but no matter what I still LOVE it (The Song I mean hehe) & I'm sorry if I lost my inspiration somewhere along the way...it just took me AGES to make, no idea why, I started it for one of "Cute2boot4u92" contest and never got to finish it till last week that I decided it was about time... I hope you like it even though is Ok if you don't lol ;) I also started working on a Grey's Vid this weekend, it's mainly based on the premiere which I REALLY like so you better stay put and don't go ANYWHERE; Sony Vegas is being my friend lately so we gotta take advantage of it lol ...Just kidding ;) Hmm...and about my "Big Finale": I got Jamie for that lol I LOVE that little guy, and I made over 3 different finales for this video and I just HATED them so in my latest attempt I thought in the cutest little guy (who have grow up A LOT since S5 premiere but is still such a sweet heart) to close my vid, so I just hope you like it...he's just sooo cute ;) Anyway, That's pretty much it, hope you all like it anyhow;) ___________________________ PS; Intro+NoWatermak; I was a mess last night...I added the intro cause this song have or had I don't know Copyright issues (I LOVE Labels new politics hehe) and about the watermark ...

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