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Barbados Labour Party's new PR initiatives - Insult the Electorate?


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Added on Jan 26, 2011

Length: 05:10 | Comments: 0

"Confession Time: A Disasterous Campaign, Perhaps?" You are free to call it: "Organised Confusion." Note that under its new leadership, the primary message of the BLP throughout the By-election campaign, was that St. John was "neglected" and that it "badly needed represenation." But here is the same BLP the day after getting a puny 553 votes, a mere 3 years after polling 829 but in circumstances where on the morning of the very election, 200 lost their jobs, and with the country already in a serious recession and it (the BLP) alleging that the people of St. John are suffering: "David Thompson had a personalised approach to the way in which he represented his constituency, that anybody running for the BLP would be up against it. He virtually made his social life part of the politics in St John. He was an extremely popular St. John representative who had a relationship with the people, especially young people.." The more they talk, the more you will understand that the BLP was not ready and might have actually ran a most disasterous campaign.

Channels: Politics  

Tags: Labour  PartyHudson  GriffithGeorge  PayneDale 


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