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Lemon Tree part 1


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Added on Jan 26, 2011

Length: 10:00 | Comments: 0

Film: Lemon Tree Directed by Eran Riklis Israel (2008) Political Drama 10 parts/100 mins In Hebrew and Arabic with English Subtitles (default) Please be sure to turn on the CC (closed captions) button to view subtitles Subtitles are translatable to any language and can be moved by clicking and dragging the subtitles. You have seen this situation and these images over and over it seems: its breaking news and the national media reports that there is another spark that's been ignited in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Images of bombed out buildings, blackened and deformed cars carpeting the streets, the wailing of ambulances screeching past as in a blur as women are lamenting the deaths of the victims of a recent attack. Both sides call for the other to end the violence and aggression before they can end theirs. The corpses of victims are draped in their nations' emblems and made martyrs. Nothing has changed and we are back to where we started—only at the cost of a few more civilian lives. Synopsis: Up-and-coming Eran Riklis mediation on the situation with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict shifts away from these politicized images in the media and focuses not on abstract claims to land and security but, as more recent films have done so, on the ordinary people and the more prosaic and everyday issues resulting from these tensions: A middle-aged Palestinian widow named Salma Zidane, has the misfortune of not merely living in the volatile "Green Zone" -- a kind of no man's land ...

Channels: Politics  



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