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KKK Alliance


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Added on Jan 26, 2011

Length: 04:40 | Comments: 0

With the Kibaki succession slowly dominating local politics, talk on the formation of political alliances set to serve as vehicles to power for some of the country's leading politicians have also hit the headlines. This week the focus has been on the peace turned political rally in Eldoret attended by over 60 mps and graced by President Mwai Kibaki where some of the speakers lashed out at Prime Minister Raila Odinga. The premier has warned his detractors not to write him off. And Sheila Sendeyo discovered that reactions to the mooted KKK alliance continue with NARC Kenya chairperson Martha Karua criticizing the Eldoret meeting and challenging Uhuru Kenyatta to a political duel.

Channels: Politics  



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