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H - Reasonable Doubt (politics as usual)


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Added on Jan 26, 2011

Length: 02:04 | Comments: 0

NEW MIXTAPE 'ALL SYSTEMS GO" - SPRING '11 Fat shouts to Maad Indian for the additional vocals. I woke up one morning with Jay-Z's "Politics As Usual" on a loop in my head... and once I heard the instrumental the song pretty much wrote itself lol It's for anybody who try to box U in.. although U understand their doubts and it's pretty reasonable considering lol... BUT DON'T LET ANYBODY STOP U! ALL SYSTEM GO [MIXTAPE] will be avail this Spring but in the meantime I just realeased #TheChase and U can stream/download ALL NEW SONGS by visiting... reverbnation.com (stream) and thechasebegins.com (download) THANK YOU! FACEBOOK - http FOLLOW ME - twitter.com #Boing!

Channels: Politics  



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