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How Wikileaks positive changed my country (Germany)


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Added on Jan 26, 2011

Length: 01:16 | Comments: 0

Hello folks, my name is antje, I'm a 20 year old student from germany and I want to share some important informations about how wikileaks positive changed my country. I recognized, that many people became interested in politics and have the same idea like the organisation - namely the freedom of speech. uninformed people got informed through wikileaks and became active supporters. the spiegel, a german paper, published informations from the cables, and it's the only paper in germany who did it. wikileaks mostly changed the people, they have a political self confidence now. they know, who to trust or not, what is right or wrong, and at the moment there are many things that are wrong especially with our government, which we know through wikileaks. so I hope, that the germans wont loose their impulse to support and help wikileaks and also julian assange. thank you for changing the world.

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