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Subah Saweray Maya key Sath Jan 25, 2011 SAMAA. 2/6


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Added on Jan 26, 2011

Length: 14:14 | Comments: 0

Subah Sawerey Maya Kay Sath is a live morning show featuring guests from showbiz to politics, sports to fashion and the layman. Maya Khan's multifaceted and colorful personality gives kick starts the day for viewers and guests. Different segments append more color of people's choice by the variety of experts contributing their bountiful services to the show's viewers. Participation of viewers via calls, SMS and email is the show's main component. Of equal interest to men and women, daily episodes vary and revolve around not only guests, but dreams, opinions, ambitions, struggles, health, beauty, etiquette, real life stories, matrimony, gossip, etc. Bonus: Send in your entries to participate in the live show. Email us a simple, quick recipe and get a chance to make it live on 'Subah Saweray Maya Kay Sath'. Fresh: Monday-Saturday at 09:05-11:00. Follow Maya on Facebook. Copy and paste this link to your address bar: www.facebook.com

Channels: Politics  



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