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The Warm Heart of Africa - Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (map of africa-victoria falls, funny falls)


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 01:01 | Comments: 0

A TripAdvisor™ TripWow video of a travel blog to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe by TravelPod blogger Gracielastanley. See this TripWow and more at tripwow.tripadvisor.com The Warm Heart of Africa "As I gazed out of the airplane window on our descent into the town of Victoria Falls I saw the Africa that I have been waiting to see for so long and I knew our authentic African Adventure was about to begin. The landscape even from the plane was beautiful. Endless flat, dry, land sparsely covered with trees that look like broccoli from the sky. A giant cloud of mist, geyser-like in the distance hovered over the land like a giant cloud. Something told me that was Victoria Falls. Our cab driver on our way to the hostel confirmed that it was as we left the airport and drove along the long, narrow rode flanked by tall grass and trees, the occasional traffic sign warning of elephant crossing. Bonnie turned to smile at me a couple of times from the front seat as we rode along in silence, the wind in our hair. "We're here. This is it. Africa at last," I thought to myself. We stayed in a place called Shoestrings Lodge. A pretty cool hostel. Bonnie and I had a dorm room to ourselves which was lucky. With the heat here, the less we wear to bed the better. When we first arrived we changed some money with the hostel manager and realized what an issue Zimbabwe money or "Zim Dollars" was going to be. My God. The economy is in dire straits. Has been rapidly declining for some time. Inflation is ...

Channels: Politics  

Tags: Travelshoestrings  lodge  vic  fallsmap  of  africavictoria  fallsshoestrings  fallshow  warm  is  victoria  fallsshoestring  lodgezimbabweheart  africa  victoriawarm  heart  africathe  africafunny  fallszambezi  river  rapidszambezi  riv 


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