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Orwellian revision of history in Texas classrooms


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 11:00 | Comments: 0

In his book, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell described a corrupt government which didn't approve of its actual history, so they changed it to one which would made it easier to manipulate the populace. Religious extremists on the Texas State Board of Education now seek to do the same thing, -after having already vandalized the studies of science and health- in the name of censorship and propaganda, and in the hope that all the other states bow to the whim to Texas fundamentalists. Don't. It's time to fix this broken system. It's time to revise the system such that uneducated and unqualified political ideologues no longer oppose all the experts in every field of study we need to teach. Please review the Texas Freedom Network's campaign to de-politicize the classroom, to 'just educate' our students. www.tfn.org

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