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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 01:11 | Comments: 0

Shots: 1. LBJ --parallels to today. I'm not saying it IS Vietnam, that would be simplistic at best. I'm saying that history sometimes rhymes, I see a rhythm. Politicians are far away from the realities of the soldiers, too. 2. Baghdad Iraq before the war; during. Demonstrates how civilians are at stake; 'shock and awe'. 3. Soldiers duck from shrapnel. Danger of battle even from a distance. Make yous think twice when you read 'wounded from shrapnel.' 4. Don't know why they were firing at the bus. Do you? Does it matter in the end? 5. Closer on the bus -- to show it was Americans shooting. Whole video of this bus shooting is fairly long. I didn't want people to think it could've been anyone firing. 6. Local army recruitment poster. 7. Soldier by a tree taking R&R. It's not all fighting. 8. Scope of the landscape. 9. Blurred traffic -- Iraqi civilians feels blurred from outsiders' perspective. 10. US Military firing on insurgents. Power of modern warfare. Faceless enemies. 11. US soldier crouching. taking a shot next to a tank -- how a man and his unit must operate together. 12. Soldier's fooling around -- poignant because the soldiers are young, energetic. Downtime. Boredom that can occur is universal for all wars. 13. An Iraqi translator -- cooperation of Iraqis and Americans. 14. Huge explosion. Imagine with sound? heat? 15. Climbing the tough terrain -- physical obstacles soldiers frequently encounter. 16. American soldier after Battle in Fallujah. Potentially most ...

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