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Jonas Brothers- Love Bug music video


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 01:21 | Comments: 0

Kevin... his hair is liked drowned in gel... omg but i still love him lol and I love his robe very stylish Nick looks like a hott business man lol Joe looks like an adorable Dork :p (in a good way) His nerdy glasses are amazingly amazing Its so weird 50's? its just so odd but hey its JB! I cant wait until the music video comes out! its comes out on October 19 Which Jonas do you think looked the best? Jonas Brothers on the set of their new music video Love Bug with 10000 BC actress Camilla Belle. Btw I did my research and she was born on October 2 1986, so she aint dating Joe... maybe Kevin jk they are all taken ladies sorry. Nick and Selena, Joe and Taylor, and Kevin and Danielle. But still they were the ones who wanted her in the video so yeah. Anyways Sub, Comment, Favorite, and send to everyone. Dont forget to check out my series: www.youtube.com Joes other nerdy moment: www.youtube.com MTV News reported on Jonas Brothers new music video Lovebug, which was inspired by The Notebook. Kevin said, We have a dream of what it can be. Its about capturing that idea. We want to make sure its always right. They wrote the song with Miley Cyrus. Nick said, We wrote it while on the Christmas break of the Hannah Montana tour. So we were in the hotel room and sat down that night and wrote it in about 15 or 20 minutes. Nick added, The vision for the song actually came from some different inspirations. But Juno was one of our favorite movies at the time, and the soundtrack is always ...

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