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[Unperfected] Air: Tori no Uta: Feather in Dreams


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 06:13 | Comments: 0

Website: www.leekaiwei.com No MP3 available. Twitter www.twitter.com BlogTV: www.blogtv.com I've been meaning to play this for a long time but slight slips here and there just stopped me from uploading it. Then one day, I thought screw it, might as well upload what I've done already so it's still not perfect yet as you will hear odd notes here and there. I would have done more takes to get it closer to perfection but the battery for the camera died out. This is one hell of an epic arrangement. I'm not sure who it's by though but he is just awesome. There's only one recording of it and it's on Youtube and it's just perfect, the player is immense. Without that track I don't think I would have been able to learn that syncopated rhythm which comes twice. I looked at the sheet and I was like wtf. It took me 3 whole days of slow practice to get it in the end. It's also in a very weird key with so many sharps and key changes. Sometimes I see an E and I have to play the equivalent of an F. I had loads of fun playing this and this is not the last you will see of it. I will upload a perfected version...whenever that may be.

Channels: Weird Videos  



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