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Superbad: Animash || 500 subs!


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 03:02 | Comments: 0

PLEASE READ ME! :'DI CONTAIN EPIC INFORMATION. EDIT: HOLY CRAP 1000 VIEWS? NUUU O_O Oh dear god. I've never written a full giant video description so just bear with me. The first thing I want to say is stop freaking reading this until you finish watching the video. Honestly, it's the best, most complete video I have ever done. I've never completed a full song... but NONE OF THIS WAS CUT. No... I lied... 5 or so seconds was cut from the beginning... but that was a slow bit of instrumental. Don't kick me. ^^ Now... one thing I must say before going into this is that abaddreamcontinues's video completely introduced me to this song and so the song choice goes out to her. :'DI thank her with all my heart and she gets song credit. AND... she's awesome and totally needs more subscribers. Please, this lady needs love: youtube.com Okaayyyyy.... Now on with this description. I have a hell of a lot of time before this beastly video renders so I have a long time to type. Which is good... I have a lot to say. First of all, I tried some new things in the video. You think they worked out? I went for creative and unique. (: This new style is all mine. I'm really likin' it... you know, with the mirror effect? I kinda went overboard with that one, though. You: Hold up! Wait, Modernstarclan, you don't have 500 subscribers yet! Me: Oh, I know... but I'm close enough. Okayokayokayokay now that that is cleared up... about the video. xD I forced myself to do this in 2 days. And, you can ask Ani ...

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