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Alien 東方Touhou Unplugged/Classic 161


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 03:30 | Comments: 0

Title: 平安のエイリアンArtist: ゆう (Yuu), Yuu is from Dark PHOENiX Circle: Knights of Round Album: Knights of Round 3 Original: 平安のエイリアン (Heian Alien) As requested, not so long ago, and recently by a few people, here's the first Heian Alien classical arrange my ears have caught (aside from the Halloween video). By, the frustrating arranger from Dark PHOENiX, yes, yes, Yuu, who has so much potential but spends his time with vocaloids and all his techno stuff. The same guy from the Immortal Smoke arrange I put up not so long ago. As I've mentioned, Yuu is mostly a keyboardist, and pianist, who has quite a bit of knowledge in mixing, MIDI, etc. Reminds us maybe of ZUN? Nah, Yuu has his unique style. He likes to make sudden progression changes that maybe strike people as "odd" or "weird", and some times might make his arranges earn the tile of "choppy" or "that jumps around too much". But! I object! I believe that's one of his charms! Aside from his wonderful piano skills, he arranges his "classical" (not really classical, but let's just say it is) songs in a very unique and energetic method, I love his progressions, and personally couldn't think of better ways. What I do think though is that perhaps sometimes the guy could make his songs a bit longer. I have to admit it though, he knows how to exploit the synth guitar pretty well some times. All in all, maybe Yuu is another guy who could be categorized as "progressive classical", but, I believe t=NODE's Yuy (Yuu ...

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