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KH2FM - Sora Bodyguards


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 10:34 | Comments: 0

Download: www.megaupload.com Sora Bodyguards, the finest bodyguards money can buy. Assassins, ninjas, Terras, benches, you name it, they can destroy it. And you get all 10 Sora Bodyguards for the slim price of only $1000...an hour. Okay seriously though, this video was a pain in the ass to do. But like with Terra, I found out the Limit of Soras the game can handle is 10. 11 loads, but literally the second you tap the analog stick, it freezes. There's also the fact that Donald and Goofy like to somehow bypass the joker sometimes for the code, and if Donald and Goofy show up with 8 Soras, the game freezes if you try to move, so I have to press the attack button to get to the save point and then warp to world map to try again. VERY annoying, game froze many times doing these scenes. Anywho, the Sora's mimic you, just like when I did Sora & Roxas. It's buggy still, but less buggy than Roxas. You can get some pretty weird stuff going on. But on another note, having more Soras actually makes fights harder. How is that possible? Because each Sora shares your life bar, and each hit takes away from your HP. No matter what you do. The worst part is Second Chance doesn't work if you are getting hit at 1 HP and ANOTHER Sora that's standing still gets hit, which will cause you to die. That made the Terra fight a lot harder than it looks. I couldn't figure out which was the better thing to do, group the Sora's together or to spread them out. If spread out, Terra could tear you to ...

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