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Daddy Like Bonding Time


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 01:38 | Comments: 0

Dad and his little girl spend some quality time camping in their new Sienna and watching movies on the available Dual-View Entertainment Center. To learn about the features shown in the videos, visit www.toyota.com You're right. Sometimes legal copy is weird and scary and sometimes kinda odd. But overall it's pretty important for you to hear or, well, in this case, read. So please. Check it out. Lounge seating is standard on Sienna Limited and XLE AWD, not available on any other models. Do not use the ottoman feature when the vehicle is in motion. The ottoman feature should only be used when the vehicle is stationary. If the ottoman feature is in use during an accident the lap belt may slide past the hips. This could also result in restraint forces being applied directly to the abdomen or your neck may contact the shoulder belt, increasing the risk of death or serious injury.

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