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Omikron- The nomad soul playthrough part 1


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 08:25 | Comments: 0

OMFG it works!!!???? i think the worlds about to blow! it doesn't work on my old pc with xp and a 8600gt but does work on my new pc with vista and a GTX285! figure that one out O_o (EDIT: It also appears to run on my new windows 7 64bit machine, somehow! xD) ************************* i've now turned this video into a playthrough part. i decided to go ahead and make one seeing as no one else has yet which is a damn shame. it may be weird but its still a fantastic game. this is quantic dream's very first game ,indigo prophesy (Fahrenheit) being their second, and kind of blended in with the crowd and didn't really get recognized much. so needles to say its a cult classic and not mainstream. Odd thing is, i can hardly believe that's the case seeing as it looks fantastic for its time and feature David Bowie in the music department! anyways if you haven't played it yet, go check it out. ************************* EDIT (9/28/09) Holy Crap 2000 views! this officially makes this my most viewed vid.! ^_^ thanks guys! EDIT #2 (4/27/10) wow.... 12654 views. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTZ!!! xD ************************* Download the game here: snesorama.us

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