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Feliz Navidad!! (Xmas insomniaX vlog)


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 05:20 | Comments: 0

Xmas insomniaX is an annual charity event done on blogtv during the christmas season! This year I organized it all and invited blogtv regulars: brendyntv, justintr, soopavillain, danaijalexandar as well as other friends: ayylucky, householdhacker, cyrial, bshizzy, & ncik77. Highlights from the show! LisaNova Retweets Xmas insomniaX (my reaction) www.blogtv.com BAD ROMANCE DANCING LOL www.blogtv.com (i cohost someone who dances to lady gaga . . . I even join in towards the end) BEST JOKE EVER??? www.blogtv.com (I was so sleep deprived . . . I was laughing my ass off at a dead baby joke) I SLEPT! (but still won) www.blogtv.com (my words after waking up from a 2 hour nap live on broadcast) XMAS FAPPING WITH CYRIAL www.blogtv.com (this one is a little bit weird... cyr1216 and I got into some odd kinky stuff ...view at your own risk!) CONGRATULATIONS TO BELLAXX3 FOR VIEWER OF THE WEEK! She stayed up the entire time I was awake! I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR BLOGTV PRO ACCOUNT, BELLA AND MERRY CHRISTMAS! OH and this is where you can be part of the live fun: www.blogtv.com (Come mondays & wednesdays @3pmPST/6pmEST. If you do not already have an account, I recommend creating one so you can subscribe and receive and email or text when I go live ) -love edwin

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