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CoN - III Unforgettable Fear [vs TheOnlyDoylie]


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 01:40 | Comments: 0

Wicked's Child of Nephilem Contest Round III - Beta Round Against: TheOnlyDoylie Story -- Chris never can tell where he is anymore, and never knows when he'll be on solid ground, and when he'll be stuck in the hell behind his eyelids. They diagnosed him with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, but he just calls it justice. Because after all, what right does he have to normalcy when he couldn't save any of the lives in Kijuju? Terasave activists like his sister were busy looking for a cure, and what was he doing? --blowing off their heads, inching closer to his goal, to his lost partner, and to the man responsible-- Men trapped in their own meat suits. Except him, Wesker. His once-upon-a-time Captain. The man he couldnt convince to come back to reason. The man he lost that day in the Arklay mountains. The Captain he left behind in his bitterness, and lost to a monster that he killed in Kijuju. He finds himself face first in the bath tub, bubbles tickling the nostrils of his nose as they flutter to the surface. He hears something--footsteps--and wonder if its Sheva with another assignment. If she finds him like this, she might think things have gotten worse. Might ask him to stay behindbut he can't muster the strength to lift his head. So someone else does it for him. Fingers around the back of his neck tug harshly, pull him gasping to the surface. Water flings in a clear arc, and his blue eyes snap wide. Wesker. And then he is sentenced back to the hell behind his eyelids ...

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