Added on Jan 25, 2011
Length: 06:09 | Comments: 0 -------------------------^Download Link^------------------------- This is part nineteen of my thirty nine part run of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for the Nintendo Gamecube. This is Snake talking with everyone he can to take his mind off the pain. 0:37 - I actually did put it against my arm to see what was going to happen in my first playthrough, the rumble just goes Apeshit. "VIBRATION IS BACK!" 0:53 - It's weird how his tone completely changes in a second, the original game had this issue too. 1:28 - If you look at Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for the MSX, you will find NO POINT where Big Boss says that Snake is his son, they just added that in here for the purposes of creating a whole new plot element. 2:33 - Why does she keep asking him questions like that? 2:52 - Her response is kind of odd now, but it's explained later. 3:17 - He kind of reminds me a Spiderman villian who just kept saying that he was hungry and that his battle was nothing personal, I can't remember his name though, but I know he was killed by a combination of radiation and a gunshot. 3:56 - Minefield? It look like a Claustrophobic room to me 5:32 - This character returns for later appearances, and this has become his trademark. 5:54 - OMG! Otacon Teleported!
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