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(Zac Efron is) 17 Again


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 02:25 | Comments: 0

Last month, Hollywood.com visited the set of 17 Again to chat with stars Zac Efron and Michelle Trachtenberg. By Emily Christianson, Hollywood.com Staff Stopping by the set of Seventeen Again, we thought we might get to see a little action. The plan was to shoot a beach party in Santa Monica with stars Zac Efron and Michelle Trachtenberg front and center, but the strong ocean breeze blew those plans right out of the water. Luckily, Hollywood.com did catch the costars for a quick chat inside Trachtenbergs trailer, before the duo took off to film an alternate scene at an undisclosed location. Hollywood.com: We just heard the beach bonfire scene had to be postponed because of the weather. So what other fun scenes have you been working on? Michelle Trachtenberg: I felt really bad because the other night I had to slap Zac and that was really hard for me to do. There were like three takes and he was such a trooper. His face was burning red and I was like, Im sorry! He was like, Just do it. Come on! He was so funny. Zac Efron: The thing about slaps on camera is there are so many ways to do it wrong! HW: You two got to play father and daughter in this film? Thats got to be weird. MT: I call him dad. [I say things like], Good morning, dad. [Laughs] HW: Michelle, your character Maggie sounds like a total rebel. MT: Shes pretty cool. You cant see it right now but I usually have bright green extensions in or like black and blonde extensions in or burgundy ones. Shes a really fun girl ...

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