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Lunar Time Lapse


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 01:13 | Comments: 0

**Update 11/18** Heartfelt and humble apologies to everyone affected by my ignorance... it seems sorted out now over discussion, confirmation, more coffee, immersion in study, more coffee and a pissed off poodle who's decided this moon thing cuts into his 'me-time'... but I promise everyone I'm filled with such sadness and remorse to see people getting crap over what started out as an attempt to find out if others were curious about and referring to the same thing I was seeing. ( Being very clear here so I'm not misunderstood: that doesn't mean I'm anti-free-speech, it means I was mortified with myself having caused negative energies to swirl around the community ) So, so terribly sorry for all the awful drama I just can't apologize enough! I admit my ignorance and beg forgiveness. At least I know there are many patient folks willing to answer questions and also I know more about the moon... wolf, hunter, wet, dry, blue, blood, harvest, bowl, Cheshire and crescent. So many interesting ideas being entertained just IN GENERAL regarding the moon - anyone who's open minded and seen the Moon Rising film knows that I suppose. Also I learned that in 100 AD the philosopher Plutarch was advancing the notion that there were people living on the moon, and that's a fun fact I never knew before. If you're interested, link below of footage of what I'd say looks like normal moon behavior I'm used to - for the sake of something better call it "the shadow angle on descent relative to ...

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