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Mario Kart Wii - Incendia Castle (Custom Track) by MrBean35000vr and Chadderz


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 09:52 | Comments: 0

One day, I was sitting in front of my computer pondering the meaning of life, when I suddenly burst out with "I want to build a castle!" Now, I'm a reasonably smart guy. I realise that I'm too scrawny to haul a ton of concrete blocks to a good size plot of land and build a fully fledged castle before I die, plus I haven't the foggiest idea about how to go about obtaining planning permission. BUT. I cast my gaze across my computer monitor, and there on the desktop... the SZS Modifier! So I decided to build a castle for Mario Kart Wii instead. Cause castles are awesome, no? Anyways. This took a long time, by my standards. I worked on this for around 4 days solidly getting it right, and it's still got glitches in places. I'll go into detail of the ones I know about a bit later :P Anyways, I'm glad I put my effort into this, cause the result is fantastic. I decided that I would create a track where you physically cannot take the same route all 3 laps, and I didn't expect it would ever work so well; even the CPUs can drive it without getting too lost. I had this idea a long time back, but never put it into use until now. The result is what you see here ;) One feature used here that's not been in a CTGP track before is a cannon. On laps 2 and 3, you are required to use it to escape the underground passageways. I didn't originally intend to use a cannon, but the layout was not going to work for a slope, so I decided to put one in to keep things interesting. I have to thank ...

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