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Wrath is The Real Sugar Baby


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 01:57 | Comments: 0

Here is the video that'll make everyone whose loved my videos so far, run away xD Well, for one, I used a different show. Two, I was completely lazy while making this... I didn't even try.... xDDDDDDDD So, this is the worst video I have ever made, and, well, bleh btw, I am aware Wrath is a boy xDDDDDD While I made this, I had a weird story going on in my head. Wrath is the real sugar baby, and he wants to kill Ed because Ed is trying to become the real sugar baby, even though he is waay to short. Oo I didn't mean to base my video after that odd story, but I may have by accident xDDDDDD THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FAN-MADE AND IS IN NO WAY ASSOCIATED WITH THE MUSICAL ARTIST OR ANIME COMPANY IN ANY WAY

Channels: Weird Videos  



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