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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 04:01 | Comments: 0

Congratulations, you have somehow stumbled on one of the only Kingdom Hearts amvs using more than just the beginning and ending movies! Huzzah. Alright, so this is obligation number 1. This one was very frustrating to make, because any time I made even a little change I had to watch the ENTIRE thing from the beginning to the end, otherwise the song was off. Anywho, I would just like to say that I didn't really mean to be mean to Axel. He's actually one of my favorite characters. I love it when Roxas says "Why not? No one would miss me." And then Axel says (behind his back) "That's not true! I would..." Heh, I kind of misused that end part though. This is one of the many reasons why I love this game. Too many stories centralize around romance, and not enough about friendship. Oh, and in case you couldn't tell, Riku is by far my favorite character, and Kairi is my least. I did mean to be mean to her. Anyone who remembers what she says in the beginning of the first game will know why. I think I would almost call Riku one of my heroes...not above Vash and Gandalf of course, though. I guess Riku is kind of like what Knives was like as a kid...after all, at the beginning Knives is not completely evil. He comforts Vash and complements Rem a few times. I really can relate Trigun to anything. See? KH can also be pretty pretty philosophical too(The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes)...and really confusing at parts. The whole Ansem/Riku/Xemnas/Xehanort ...

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