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Super Mario World Glitches 2 (Tool-Assisted)


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 04:45 | Comments: 0

This glitch list is extremely outdated! I've learned a bunch of other things before that aren't in this video. ---------------- This video contains lots of the glitches known so far in Super Mario World. The original graphics of Super Mario World were used, so everybody can understand where they could do the glitches at. These glitches are shortly described in this video. To get more information for most glitches, go to tasvideos.org . That's where I found about every glitch here! If you want to try this level yourself, here's the IPS patch: www.mediafire.com ==Glitch List== 1: Jumping Glitch 2: 1/1 Swimming 3: Going Through Slopes Underwater 4: Wall Jumping 5: Key Jumping 6: Going Through Floors 7: "Smashola" Glitch 8: Copying Glitch 9: Holding More Than One Item 10: Double Yoshi Glitch 11: Yoshi Left + Right Glitch 12: Going Through Walls 13: Yoshi Flying 14: Going Through Slopes 15: Staying On the Ceiling With Yoshi 16: Keeping/Stacking a Jumping Chain Off of Yoshi 17: Wiggler Glitch 18: Keeping Flying Physics After Climbing 19: Staying Under Pillars 20: Immediate Flying Glitch 21: Turning Around While Flying 22: Going Through Floors Using the Springboard 23: Entering Pipes in Midair 24: "Unstepping" a Switch 25: Keeping Yoshi on Lava 26: Springboard Boosting Glitch 27: Rapid Eating 28: Dropping Edible Items 29: Song Speed-Up Glitch 30: Flying On the Ceiling ==Glitches That Weren't in the Video== 1: Hitting a Block Going Down If you fall while going forward at a ...

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