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Drum Demonstration of One Last Dance


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 03:07 | Comments: 0

This is me playing One Last Dance by my band This Is Not A Game Of Who The Fuck Are You, AKA TINAGOWTFAY from our debut album 101010. You can download our album for free (!) at ‪www.tinagowtfay.com !!! If you want to support us as a band, you can order a hard copy of the album of which we will ship anywhere in the world! :D (mail us at ordertinagowtfay@gmail.com ) Unfortunately, we have not yet received the hard copies ourselves, but as soon as we do, we will let you know about pricing and stuff ;) 101010 is now available at iTunes and Amazonmp3! :D (It will also be up on Spotify within a couple of weeks)! To tell you the truth, we still prefer if you buy our album straight from us when we get them back from printing, which should be in about two weeks! :) But if you feel more confident in the digital world then you can get them here!: iTunes: itunes.apple.com Amazonmp3: www.amazon.com Check our first review of the album at: ‪www.themetalregister.com So I guess this song would be our sell out hit song?! xD No we have not sold out or whatever, this song is more like mockery towards selling out and making the kind of music your record label wants you to make so they can make more money! Since we don't have any record label this would be kind of stupid xD I still think it's an awesome song and I like it because it is simple, catchy and stands out from our other songs^^ As you may notice I kind of made this video with a "pink" theme! :DI just thought it would be nice and ...

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