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Michael Jackson We Are The World - Rare Rehearsal


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 10:10 | Comments: 0

Michael Jackson was a child at heart. He was too innocent, humble and shy to fight back. He was deprived of his childhood so he was living it through his adult life. How he thinks, acts, feels and responds is childlike so it is out of pure innocence. As his body grew older, his mind remained childlike. (C'mon people!....everybody knows someone in their lives who acts younger than their real age...but when Michael is this way, it is considered weird??) As for Michael sleeping with kids, being deprived of a childhood, he treated it as a "slumber party". When your mind is childlike, you do not have any other intentions beyond childlike thinking, feeling and acting behaviors. So accusing Michael as a pedophile is like accusing a child of being a pedophile. Think about this people. In addition, he devoted his life to Children's charities. So when people see him around children, they think "dirty" of him??. Now ask yourself, who really has the dirty mind?. YOU!. We are the only race that will fcuk each other up for pleasure and entertainment. You don't see mother nature's animals do that to each other. It's no wonder why he loved animals and had a heart of a child. Animals show love and children are not two-faced. "The historical ones are the "odd" ones of society who truly are, the extraordinary ones." - KitKatBreak82

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