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Guinea Pig LOVES Pit Bull Sharky.


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Added on Jan 24, 2011

Length: 03:20 | Comments: 0

Guinea pig Penélope really loves pit bull Sharky, they have funny relationship. Sharky will stop licking when Penélope tells him in the end. Other videos of Guinea Pig Penélope: Guinea Pig Penélope on the Piano - American Animal Idol 2010!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiaBJt7Yk2U Pit Bull Sharky's Play Date with Guinea Pig Penélope. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BevUJlp-Iw Happy Holidays from Pit Bull Sharky, Guinea Pig Penélope and Helen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY585YtbB6M EMAIL: pitbullsharky (at) gmail.com Follow US::: SHARKY::: the American Pit Bull Terrier: http://www.youtube.com/PitBullSHARKY http://www.twitter.com/PitBullSharky MAX-ARTHUR::: http://www.youtube.com/MAXtheRoombaCAT http://www.twitter.com/MAXtheRoombaCAT HELEN: http://www.youtube.com/texasgirly1979 http://www.twitter.com/texasgirly1979 http://www.myspace.com/texasgirly1979 http://www.zazzle.com/texasgirly1979 tags free bath licking American animal idol 2010 Guinea Pig Penélope plays on the piano playing smart itunes pet cute funny walmart target sams club music instruments Casio Lighted Keyboard w/61 Piano-Style Keys pit bull Sharky sweet dog adorable dog pit bull sharky smart guinea pig penelope Penélope bff friends so cute adorable chocolate caramel and vanilla colored dog pit bull Sharky smart guinea pig penelope Penélope happy holidays santa helper bff friends so cute adorable chocolate caramel and vanilla colored Rahulikke ja ilusaid pühi ducks swimming pool helen texasgirly1979ja ilusaid pühi ducks swimming pool helen texasgirly1979

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