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oh simple thing; two years


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Added on Jan 24, 2011

Length: 01:58 | Comments: 0

Actually, on the 14th of September, it will have been me and Indy's 2nd year of knowing one another. [Tell me when you're gonna let me in] [So why don't we go, somewhere only we know] Happy two-year anniversary Indy. : ) (btw piano overlay is with my new camera!) I could have made this video all about 'how far we've come' or a montage of us over the couple of years I've had the privilege to know him, but I thought it was only appropriate to use recent clips to show us now. Like I usually say, every single clip is chosen carefully in here, as well as the song. Ever since I heard this song around 2 years ago, I've loved it and now seems like the appropriate time to actually use it. I love this horse and since just last September, when I made the decision to sell him, I've really gotten the chance to know him. He's finally 'let me in'. Although he's always difficult to understand, I think I've finally come to trust him. Even if it's taken this long... sometimes that's how long it takes. I would boast all about how far we've come... and I will, just a little bit so that I can just give you a little background on us before; Before he went out to pasture, I didn't even have enough confidence (nor did he) to even go over a simple ground pole (literally.) Every ride was a fight, he'd bite me, rear almost every ride, and we never really had a sense of trust at all. Now, even though we still have our misunderstandings, I feel like I can trust him. This horse is the most difficult ...

Channels: Pets & Animals  



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