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Mexicans Defy Swine Flu Advice


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Added on Jan 24, 2011

Length: 01:23 | Comments: 0

Mexico is in the midst of a five-day shutdown in an attempt to slow the spread of swine flu with all non-essential businesses ordered to close. People have been encouraged to stay home and avoid large crowds. For some Mexicans though, it's important to carry on as normal. [Acupulco Resident]: "I'm not working on these days, so I prefer to come here because it's an open space where there is sun. The virus, with this climate and sun, dies quickly. And anyway, in Acapulco, I believe there are only two cases. I think we are safer here than in Mexico City." The city sleeps, as people heed the warnings, and first-division soccer matches are played before empty stands. The Mexican government announced on Sunday (May 3) that the flu epidemic had passed the worst stage. They confirmed the number of deaths at 22, and officials said hospitals were seeing fewer new cases. The outbreak has taken it's toll on tourism, with many hotels reporting cancellations across the country. In Cancun, the director of a visitor centre, said the resorts are suffering. [Jesus Almaguer Salazar, Director of Cancun Convention and Visitor Center]: "The occupancy is about 50 percent, we are working through the fallout. We are also sending out bulletins globally about the current situation, to keep the families of the people that are on holiday here calm, we still want people to holiday here, that is what matters." In the country's main tourist region many are more concerned about the economic impact than ...

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