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Seeing my dog the day I got back from Afghanistan


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Added on Jan 24, 2011

Length: 00:38 | Comments: 0

[Money made from the ads running on this page and in the clip were donated to the Alexandria, Va, shelter where I got Gracie. $602 so far. - Andy] I'm uploading this for family. This was the day I came back from Kandahar in Sept. 2005. Life has changed since then. But Gracie is still a good dog. UPDATE: (11-13-2009) - This is crazy. I posted this years ago along with three other clips of my wife in Haiti for my parents to see (Jen does medical missions in Haiti and runs a clinic in Cap Haitien). They still have like 400 hits a piece. This clip had like 30000 hits two days ago. I'm not quite sure where this attention is all coming from. [EDIT: It appears to have started at Mentalfloss.com] Oh, and it was filmed by my wife Jen in our front yard in Springfield, VA.. Gracie is six now. She's asleep at my feet as I'm typing this. Take care, all - AS UPDATE (11-14-2009). O-kaaaaay. This is getting crazy. They ran this on the Today Show today. I'm not a public person ... this is getting a little intimidating. I'm glad that this clip of Gracie has made so many people happy. If it makes you smile, it's a good thing. But please remember the men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan right now. My buddy Steve Taylor who is in Iraq wrote me to say that it bummed him out, because it reminded him of how much he missed his dog ... FINAL UPDATE (11-15-2009) Again, thanks for everyone's kind words. Yes, we did a short (2-min) spot on the Today Show this morning. They were nice, but I didn't ...

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