Added on Aug 14, 2010
Length: 01:3 | Comments: 0
Please support your local SPCA and Animal Shelters in your area by adopting a pet or providing donations to help these organizations. After all every pet deserves to be cared for and loved. There are numerous ways of helping. Please visit the links below to find out how you can make a difference. This is my little Blue Point Himalayan kitten Dustin who is still so weeble wobbly when this was taken. He is extremely loved and cherished. Sadly some animals are not as fortunate as Dustin. As long as I live I will never understand how man can hurt beautiful defenseless animals. Animals are very special. Pets provide unconditional love. I feel that they are extended members of a family. They help to make a home happy. It sickens me to know that people do not take care of them like they should or abuse them. There is absolutely no reason for an animal to end up in a shelter or even worst abandoned somewhere. People need to realize that an animal is not an object to be discarded. They are a living beautiful creature and they feel pain. They are not a possession. In many ways they are like a child. They rely on us to keep them healthy and safe. Now really how hard is that? Before getting a pet please do your research. Pets need to be vaccinated on a yearly basis. In my opinion they should not be left free to roam where they might come in contact with other animals that might be carrying diseases. I have received so many emails and phone calls about sick animals and it breaks my ...
Channels: Pets & Animals
Tags: Animals kitten kittens cute adorable seal blue point himalayan persian yawn yawning sleepy beautiful baby funny fuzzy kitty cat pets precious life cuteness oveload cuteoverload aspca spca animal shelters healthy pet tips volunteer donate adopt cherish ani