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RIP Koala Sam Dies During Surgery Bushfire Tribute - True Blue


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Added on Aug 14, 2010

Length: 04:3 | Comments: 0

Song - True Blue sung by 10 yr old Jordan. The main picture here is of Koala Sam, the picture that told the story of the Victorian fire tragedy to the world - the moment that CFA fireman David Tree gave Sam the koala a drink from his water bottle. Thirsty Sam had third degree burns to his paws and drank tree bottles of water after the fires, which killed more than 181 people, destroyed whole towns and burnt out thousands of hectares of land, raged through the state. But in one happy ending among all the horror stories, the saga of Sam and the fireman brought tears to the eyes of many. They were later reunited after Sam's burns were treated and then she was brought together with boyfriend Bob who was found wandering, dazed, among the burnt out bush. The human story of tragedy, triumph and miracle during the bushfires was mirrored in the animal world. Thousands died in the blazes, but hundreds more were saved, some by luck and some by people. The cost to the aimal population of the destroyed areass will never be fully known, but all species, from rabbits to roos, wombats to possums, dogs, cats and horses all suffered. These photo's are just a glimpse into a few animal tales of survival against the intense heat of the blazing Austrlian bush. For many people all they have left is their pets after the theri homes and everything they owned went up in flames. As people and animals come to grips with the aftermath of the nations's most destructive natural event, they will ...

Channels: Pets & Animals  

Tags: Music  Victorian  bushfires  Australian  wildlife  True  Blue  country  John  Williamson  Steve  Irwin  animals  burnt  reunited  koala  sam  kangaroo  westlife 


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